Thought-Provoking Dialogues about reason and faith in a skeptical world
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“I dream of a world where people are not afraid of having conversations, since conversations are the motivation for innovation, possibility and even more, the key to unlock ANY relationship”.

Pedro R. García, founder of Ask and Wonder.

(Scroll down to see calendar, times, and location.)

Here is my question for you:

Christianity and skepticism in a quest for Truth, together.

As a former atheist and current follower of Christ, I find the conversation about Truth fascinating. Conversations about the biggest questions in life are not common anymore. Why should we talk about them? The biggest questions in life expose our true wonders, hopes, desires and weaknesses as human beings. The more we talk about these, the more we learn to connect at deeper levels with one another, the more we see how much in common we have, and very importantly, the more we learn how to disagree respectfully.

Through our Youtube channel, podcast episodes and Live events, Ask and Wonder encourages people to have conversations about things that matter to us all, leaving fear and insecurities behind and embracing challenge and the search for Truth together.

There is NO conversation we should be afraid of having. The more difficult a topic seems to be, the more pressing the time is for us have a conversation about it.

Do you want to join the conversation?

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel, listen to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play, and attend our live events in Nashville.

Ask and Wonder, more.

Pedro R. García

Founder of Ask and Wonder.